Cuantas Calorias Tiene Una Arepa

Cuantas Calorias Tiene Una Arepa

Arepas are popular Colombian dishes that are made with corn flour and can be filled with savory or sweet ingredients. Arepas are a great way to get a nutritious, filling meal without a lot of calories. So, how many calories are in an arepa? Let’s take a look.

Cuantas Calorias Tiene Una Arepa?

The amount of calories in an arepa will depend on the ingredients used in the recipe and the size of the arepa. Generally, an arepa made with corn flour, oil, and salt will have around 220 calories. If you add cheese, meat, or other ingredients to your arepa, the calorie count will be higher.

How to Make Arepas

Making arepas is a relatively simple process. You’ll need the following ingredients:

  • 2 cups precooked white corn flour
  • 1 teaspoon of salt
  • 1 1/2 cups of warm water
  • 2 tablespoons of vegetable oil

To make the arepas, first mix the corn flour and salt in a bowl. Next, add the water and oil and mix until a dough forms. Knead the dough for a few minutes, then shape it into two-inch thick patties. Heat a nonstick skillet over medium-high heat and cook the patties for about five minutes on each side. Serve with your favorite toppings and enjoy!

People Also Ask

How Many Calories Are in a Cheese Arepa?

A cheese arepa will have more calories than an arepa without cheese. A cheese arepa will have around 270 calories.

How Many Calories Are in a Fried Arepa?

A fried arepa will have more calories than a regular arepa. A fried arepa will have around 370 calories.

What Is the Healthiest Way to Make Arepas?

The healthiest way to make arepas is to use corn flour, oil, and salt and to bake the arepas in the oven instead of frying them. This will reduce the calorie count and make the arepas healthier.

Cuantas Calorias Tiene Una Arepa

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